Learning invariants to illumination changes typical of indoor environments: Application to image color correction


  • Benedicte Bascle
  • Olivier Bernier
  • Vincent Lemaire

This paper presents a new approach for automatic image color correction, based on statistical learning. The method both parameterizes color independently of illumination and corrects color for changes of illumination. This is useful in many image processing applications, such as image segmentation or background subtraction. The motivation for using a learning approach is to deal with changes of lighting typical of indoor environments such as home and office. The method is based on learning color invariants using a modified multi-layer perceptron (MLP). The MLP is odd-layered. The middle layer includes two neurons which estimate two color invariants and one input neuron which takes in the luminance desired in output of the MLP. The advantage of the modified MLP over a classical MLP is better performance and the estimation of invariants to illumination. The trained modified MLP can be applied using look-up tables (LUTs), yielding very fast processing. Results illustrate the approach and compare it with other color correction approaches from the literature. Fig. 1. Illumination changes can change the appearance of colors. 1 Illumination correction: problem and prior art The apparent color of objects in images depends on the color of the light source(s) illuminating the scene (see example on fig. 1). Because of this color constancy problem, image processing algorithms using color, such as color image segmentation or object recognition algorithms, tend to lack robustness to illumination changes. Such changes occur frequently in images, due to shadows, switching lights on or off, and/or the variation of sunlight during the day. To deal with this, a color correction scheme that can compensate for illumination changes is needed. Color in images is usually represented by a triband signal, for instance Red-GreenBlue (RGB) or Cyan-Magenta-Yellow (CMY). As discussed above, such a triband signal is sensitive to changes in illumination. However, image processing techniques need to be made robust to such changes. This can be done by reparameterizing color (with one or two parameters) independently of illumination or by correcting the triband color signal. A number of color parametrization and color correction schemes have been described in the literature (Barnard, Martin, Coath, & Funt, 2002). This section describes a number of approaches that work on a single image. Table 1 summarizes their pros and cons. Table 1. Comparison of color correction approaches that work on a single image. approach principle local / cons pros of the approach global estimation of neural network global same illuminant illuminant illuminant color estimates illuminant for whole image, explicitly (Funt, Cardei, & Barnard, 1997) chromaticity from further processing identified image uv histogram for image correction ratio-based analytic local / original image fast color invariants color invariants pixel-wise can’t be reconstructed (Gevers & Smeulders, 1997) from invariant images luminance correction simple analytic local / completely local, very fast in HSV space color correction pixel-wise relatively sensitive to using LUTs (Gonzalez & Woods, 2002) illumination changes color transfer normalization by mean global limited to global fast (Reinhard et al, 01) and variance in lαβ changes in color space illumination intrinsic image finds an axis invariant global need for few colors works for any by entropy to illuminant color by and many illuminants minimization entropy minimization, illuminations in image (Finlayson, Drew, & Lu, 2004) then projects image to find invariant axis, perpendicularly to axis not fast diagonal linear global restricting very fast color correction assumptions, no non-linearities non-diagonal PCA-based pixel illuminants must fast color correction linear correction be known (using LUTs) (Funt & Jiang, 2003) enhancement of multi-scale local color correction fairly fast dark images using convolution areas for visual effect, (3 fps for modified (linear) performance for 640x480 images), multi-scale retinex background any lighting (Tao & Asari, 2003) subtraction unknown (blueish, etc ...) color statistical learning pixel trained for given rear could be very fast correction of non-linear with learnt projection setup & (using LUTs) using a color correction global lighting conditions, ”classic” MLP transform by MLP a priori does not estimate (Yin & Cooperstock, 2004) for lighting color invariants color statistical learning pixel trained for range very fast (LUTs, correction of non-linear with learnt of lightings 3.75 ms per frame using a color correction global (e.g. customary or 266 fps for trained transform by MLP a priori in home and office 320x240 images), modified MLP + statistical learning about type e.g. whitish trained for range of (this paper) of 2 color invariants of lighting or yellowish) illuminations Examples of directly correcting the triband signal are diagonal color correction (such as gray world and white patch (Rizzi, Gatta, & Marini, 2002)) and non-diagonal color correction (Funt & Jiang, 2003). They are both linear, and cannot model nonlinearities. They also rely on limiting assumptions (known image mean for gray world, known maximum value for each channel for white patch, known illuminants for (Funt & Jiang, 2003)). They are very fast and can be implemented using LUTs for even greater speed. Another approach which directly corrects the triband signal is (Yin & Cooperstock, 2004). A neural network is used to learn the color correction needed in a specific rear projection environment. It does not estimate color invariants. It also is trained for specific and unique lighting conditions. An example of mono-band parametrization of color is hue (from hue-saturationvalue, a.k.a. HSV) (Gonzalez & Woods, 2002). Examples of bi-band color parameterization are chrominances uv (from the YUV color space) (Gonzalez & Woods, 2002) and the ab values from the CIE Lab color space (Gonzalez & Woods, 2002). These three color representations (H, uv or ab) are analytical and thus do not require learning. They are fast pixel-wise methods, and have a certain robustness to illumination changes, but this robustness is limited. Color transfer (Reinhard, Ashikhmin, Gooch, & Shirley, 2001) is a method with a similar philosophy, normalizing color by its mean and variance in lαβ space. It is global and fast, but limited to global changes in illumination. An approach for estimating color invariants from images consists in calculating ratios of RGB components at a given pixel (R/B) or between neighboring pixels (such as (Rx1Gx2)/(Gx1Rx2)) (Gevers & Smeulders, 1997). This method is also pixel-wise and thus fast. These invariants are also very robust to illumination changes. However, a lot of information about the original signal is lost and reconstructing it from the invariants is difficult. A more sophisticated method has been proposed by (Finlayson et al., 2004). It estimates a mono-band invariant and is based on a physical model of image formation. It works globally from the whole image. In (log(R/B), log(G/B)) color space, an axis invariant to illuminant color is determined by entropy minimisation. Projecting the image perpendicularly to the axis gives corrected colors. The approach does not require learning and applies to any type of illuminant, but is relatively slow. It also requires that the image contains relatively few different colors and many changes of illumination for each color. Yet another approach consists in explicitly estimating the color of the illuminant (Funt et al., 1997). A neural network estimates the chromaticity of the illuminant from the histogram of chromaticity of the whole image. The method works globally from the whole image and supposes there is only one illuminant for the entire image. Another method is (Tao & Asari, 2003). It is a bit out of the scope of this paper, since it aims at the enhancement of dark images for visual effect, and does not give information about performance for color correction. However, it gives a benchmark about speed, since the authors aimed at fast processing. This will be discussed in section 3.5. This brief description of the single image color correction approaches in the literature shows that there are a variety of approaches, that go from very general to specific and from slow to fast. In fact, each method corresponds to a different compromise between correction quality / generality and speed, with more general approaches usually being slower. The choice of a correction method depends on the context, e.g. the application, the possible customization of the system, how controlled the environment is, the CPU power and the processing time constraints. For instance, in a controlled environment with precise and known settings, such as known light sources (Yin & Cooperstock, 2004), color correction can be customized and done faster. However, it cannot be applied to another environment. In a totally uncontrolled and unknown environment with unknown light source(s), color correction is time consuming and can be done only for certain types of images: for instance images containing few colors if there are many different illuminations (Finlayson et al., 2004), or images with only one global illuminant (Funt et al., 1997). Very general approaches also tend to lose a lot of information about the original color signal, for example when calculating invariants such as in (Gevers & Smeulders, 1997). Thus their discrimination between different colors is not always very good. This is a problem if corrected colors are then used for image segmentation or object detection. Articles in the literature tend toward the ends of the speed/generality spectrum: methods are either very general or customised to a specific environment. This paper proposes a color correction method that tries to find a medium point on the spectrum. It is fast but makes only limited hypotheses about the environment (namely that it is an indoor environment such as home or office). The details of the approach and the motivation are described in section 2. Fig. 2. Our main idea is to learn (using statistical learning techniques) the influence on colors of lighting changes typical of indoor environments such as home and office. 2 A statistical approach to measure color invariants 2.1 A modified multi-layer perceptron: motivation The motivation of this work is twofold: (1) to parameterize color compactly and independently of illumination by two invariants (2) to do it in real-time. Firstly, two parameters are needed to parameterize color with enough degrees of freedom to reconstruct a triband signal, given a luminance (or a gray level signal). Secondly, real-time processing (25/30 images per second for video) is also necessary for some applications. For this, slow methods such as (Funt et al., 1997) and (Finlayson et al., 2004) are unsuitable. Pixel-wise approaches are more suited. Among those, Hue-Saturation, uv (from YUV) and ab (from the CIE Lab color space) lack robustness to illuminations changes. (Gevers & Smeulders, 1997) is robust to these, but reconstructing an image from the invariant(s) is difficult. A new fast approach is needed. In practice, a limited range of illuminants are available in indoor environments. It is therefore interesting to use learning methods to find a color parameterization invariant to the ”usual” illumination changes. This also provides a priori information about the illuminants, making the color correction global, which is, as Land showed (Land & McCann, 1971)), necessary to perform correct illuminant correction. In practice, the lighting usually found in home and offices comes from fluorescent lights, incandescent light bulbs and natural sunlight from windows (see fig. 2). They tend towards the whitish and yellowish areas of the spectrum (very few bluish or reddish lights). These are the illuminants that our approach deals with. Fig. 3. A classical MLP with 4 inputs can be used to perform color correction. (Ri, Gi, Bi) is the input color. (Rd, Gd, Bd) is the desired output color, corresponding to the same color seen under a different illumination. Ld = Rd+Gd+Bd 3 is the luminance of the desired output and is a direct function of the illumination. Bias neurons are omitted from this figure. Fig. 4. A modified MLP is proposed for color correction and color invariant learning. λ and μ are the color parameters invariant to illumination that the MLP is trained to estimate. (R̂d, Ĝd, B̂d) are the actual outputs of the network. Bias neurons are omitted from this figure. Our learning method of choice is neural networks and more specifically multi-layer perceptrons (MLPs) for their ease of use and adaptability (see appendix A for more details about MLPs, their training and use). A classic MLP with 4 input neurons and 3 output neurons can be used for color correction under varying illuminations (see fig. 3). The three first inputs give the input color. The fourth input, a context input, is the luminance L of the expected output and is a direct function of the illumination. This fourth input neuron prevents the mapping to be learnt by the MLP from including one-to-many correspondences (the different corrected colors corresponding to the same input color with different illuminations) and thus makes it solvable. If in addition the MLP contains a bottleneck layer with 3 neurons, then these perform a re-parameterization of RGB space. However the three color parameters estimated by the 3 neurons (called here p1p2p3) have no reason to be invariant to illumination. To force the MLP to code color independently of illumination, the architecture of the traditional MLP is modified (see fig. 4). The entry point L of the MLP (fourth input neuron) is moved to the bottleneck layer of the network so that it becomes the third and last neuron of this layer. This displaced entry makes our MLP different from a trivial compression network. The two other neurons of the bottleneck layer have outputs (λ, μ). During training, the network learns to reconstruct the corrected color (Rd, Gd, Bd) from (λ, μ) and the desired output luminance Ld = Rd+Gd+Bd 3 . Thus it learns to ignore the luminance of the input (Ri, Gi, Bi) and learns to estimate two color characteristics (λ, μ) that are invariant to illumination. The approach does not require any camera calibration or knowledge about the image. However, it supposes that the illuminants available in images on which we want to perform color correction in the future are of the type commonly found in indoor environments (and that the MLP-based color correction is trained for). It also supposes that the basis of images used for learning is representative of the illuminants commonly available in indoor environments. 2.2 Training the modified multi-layer perceptron As shown in fig. 4, the modified MLP includes 5 layers. This could be generalized to any odd number of layers, however using too many hidden layers could lead the neural network to overfit the data and to have bad generalization. This means that learning would become too specific to the learning data and lose the ability to successfully deal with test sets that are independent to the training data . Experiments showed that 5 layers provided enough generalization without overfitting. The input and output layers have 3 neurons each (plus an additional bias), for RGB inputs and outputs. The middle layer includes 3 neurons (excluding bias): their outputs are called λ, μ and L. The second and fourth layers have arbitrary numbers of neurons, typically between 3 and 10 in our experiments. Cross-validation (Kohavi, 1995), which is a model evaluation method that estimates generalization error by partitioning the data into subsets, showed 8 neurons to give the best results. The links between neurons are associated to weights. Neurons have sigmoid activation functions. The network includes biases and moments (Bishop, 1996). A database of images showing the same scenes under different illuminations is used to train the modified MLP. The illuminations are typical of indoor environments such as home and office. A classic MLP training scheme based on backpropagation is applied. A pixel is randomly sampled at each iteration from the training set. Its RGB values before and after an illumination change (from real images) are used as input (Ri, Gi, Bi) and desired output (Rd, Gd, Bd) to the network. Propagation and back-propagation are then performed, with one modification: as mentioned above, the output L of the third neuron of the third layer is forced to the value of the luminance corresponding to the desired output color. 2.3 Use of the modified multi-layer perceptron The trained modified MLP can be used to correct color images. Each image pixel is propagated through the first half of the trained network to find the invariants λ and μ. An arbitrary luminance L is imposed on the pixel by forcing the output of the third neuron of the third layer to L. The output of the trained network then gives the corrected color. If a constant luminance L is used for all pixels in the image, an image corrected for shadows and for variations of illumination across the image and between images is obtained. The color correction can be tabulated for fast implementation. Note that the approach could be easily extended to a greater number of inputs and outputs or different inputs/outputs than RGB. For instance, YUV or HSV, or redundant characteristics such as RGBYUVLab could be used as inputs and outputs. 3 Image correction results 3.1 Experimental conditions and database Fig. 5. Examples of pixel pairs in the training set. The network was trained using 546000 pixels, randomly sampled from 91 training images, taken by 2 webcams (Philips ToUCam Pro Camera and Logitech QuickCam Zoom). The images were taken at home and in the office (containing images of desks, sofas, papers, colored file holders, clothing, etc...). The images included a large range of colors (including but not limited to the range of colors available in the Gretag Macbeth color checker), which is critical to get good generalisation results. Indeed the learning literature shows that having maximum variety in a training set is critical to correctly modeling data without modeling the noise and artifacts specific to a given training set. Only 6000 randomly selected pixels per image were used for training and testing to limit training time. Some examples of training pixels (before and after illumination changes) are shown in fig. 5. The training images are of indoor scenes viewed under different illuminations typical of home and office environments (fluorescent lights, incandescent light bulbs and natural sunlight from windows ). Many illumination conditions were filmed (light bulbs and fluorescent lights on and off at different times of the day). Testing was performed on other images taken by the 2 webcams used for training and by a third webcam, not used for training, a Logitech QuickCam for Notebooks Pro. Some results are also shown on images taken using a Canon Ixus camera. In practice, using 8 neurons in the second and fourth layers of the MLP gives good performance. A gain of 1.0 was used, with a momentum factor of 0.01 and a learning rate of 0.001. Pixels that were too dark (luminance ≤ 20) or too bright / saturated (luminance ≥ 250) were not used for training, as the effect of illumination is slightly different toward the ends of the saturation spectrum. 3.2 Comparison with a ”classical” multi-layer perceptron Table 2. Mean error between reconstructed and target images for a ”classical” MLP and the modified MLP presented in this article. The mean error was calculated using 748 320x240 test images (not in the training set). The error is averaged over the three color components (R,G,B). for a classical MLP for the modified MLP mean error (in pixel values ∈ [0, 255]) 10.47 5.54 relative mean error 4.11% 2.17 % Table 2 shows that the modified MLP (fig. 4) performs better in reconstructing target images than a classic MLP (fig. 3). The reconstruction is done given the expected luminances Ld of the pixels of the desired target image. Fig. 6. Example of color correction learnt by the modified MLP. (a) original image (unknown illumination). (b) and (c) invariants λ and μ estimated by the MLP. (d) locus of the invariants in the uv space. (e) corrected image with pixel luminance inputs set to values proportional to pixel luminances in the original image (plus a constant). (f) corrected image with the pixel luminance inputs set to a constant value for all pixels. (h) 7 color peaks found by mean shift (g) in the corrected image (f). (i) resulting image segmentation. 3.3 Invariant estimation by the modified MLP Figure 6 shows the two invariants (λ, μ) learnt by the modified MLP and calculated on an image (see part (a) of fig 6) of unknown illumination. The two invariants are seen in parts (b) and (c) of the figure. Objects of similar color to the human eye have similar values of λ and μ. Part (d) of fig. 6 shows the locus of the invariant values (λ, μ) in the image as a fonction of the chrominance values (u, v) (from YUV color space) of the image pixels. The locii of the two invariants are not identical, and thus we have two invariants and not only one. Part (f) of figure 6 shows the corrected image estimated for a constant luminance input over the image. Much of the influence of shading and variations of illumination across the image is removed, apart from specularities (white saturated areas) which the network is not trained to correct and which happen to be mapped to gray by the learnt color correction scheme. Areas of similar color in the original image (despite shading and illumination) have much more homogeneous color in the corrected image. This is further shown by performing mean-shift based color segmentation (Comaniciu, Ramesh, & Meer, 2000) (see (g)) on the corrected image. Seven areas of uniform color are readily identified and segmented (see part (h) and (i) of fig. 6) in the corrected image. They correspond roughly to what is expected by a human observer. This example illustrates that our modified MLP successfully learns a parameterization of color by two parameters that are invariant to illumination. 3.4 Comparison with other color correction methods from the literature Figures 7, 8 and 9 compare our color correction approach with other color correction approaches. Fig. 7. Comparison of the pixel-wise color correction by the modified MLP presented in this paper and the whole-image color correction method of Finlayson et al 2004. Application to shadow detection. Example I. (a) and (d) show the original image. (b) is the invariant image obtained using the method of Finlayson et al 2004 and (c) shows the shadow edges estimated from (b). (e) shows the corrected image estimated using the modified MLP, (f) and (g) the results of mean shift color segmentation from (e) and (h) the shadow edges estimated from (g). Fig. 8. Comparison of the pixel-wise color correction by the modified MLP presented in this paper and the whole-image color correction method of Finlayson et al 2004. Application to shadow detection. Example II. (a), (b), (c), (d), (e), (f), (g) and (h) illustrate the same steps as in fig. 7. Fig. 9. Comparison of the pixel-wise color correction by the modified MLP presented in this paper and pixel-wise HSV-based color correction, HSV being the well known hue-saturation-value color space. Figures 7 and 8 illustrate that our correction is of similar quality to that of Finlayson et al (Finlayson et al., 2004) (briefly described in the introduction of this paper). The application of color correction is the detection of shadow contours (which can be used for shadow removal, as shown in (Finlayson et al., 2004)). Even though it might be less robust to large light changes or unusual light changes (such as turning on a blue or red light), our method is faster, being pixel-wise. Figure 9 compares our approach to HSV-based color correction and applies it to color-based background subtraction. The two first images of the first and third columns of the figure show that our color correction scheme is indeed robust to changes in illumination, since there is much less difference between the images after correction than before. The last row of figure 9 also shows that the correction performed in this paper compares favorably with an HSV-based color correction (which consists in taking an RGB color to hue-saturation-value space, setting its value/luminance to a constant, then going back to RGB space to get the corrected color). 3.5 Performance of a LUT implementation of the trained modified MLP Color correction by the modified MLP can be tabulated, making it one the fastest possible color correction approaches. Execution time using LUTs is 3.75 ms for an entire 320x240 image, on a Pentium4 3GHz. This way, color correction can be used as a first step in video-rate image processing, without using a large part of the frame processing time (40ms). This LUT implementation is possible because the approach is pixel-wise. An HSV correction scheme could be as fast (using LUTs), but it would be less performant, as illustrated by fig. 9. A color correction scheme based on (Finlayson et al., 2004) would be of equal performance, as illustrated on examples by fig. 7 and 8. It could deal with more changes of illumination, since our approach is limited to the type of frequently found indoor lighting the modified MLP was trained for. However, working globally on the image, it could not be implemented as a LUT, and would thus be slower. Another basis of comparison for processing time is the approach of (Tao & Asari, 2003) (briefly described in section 1), which performs good-quality color enhancement at good speed, and which is slower than our approach (3 frames per second on a Pentium4 2.26GHz for a 640x480 image). Both approaches scale linearly in terms of the number of pixels to process. Our algorithm would take approx. 3.75x4=15ms to process a 640x480 image on a P4 3GHz, compared to approx. 330ms per image for (Tao & Asari, 2003)’s approach on a P4 2.26GHz (equivalent to 250 ms per image for a P4 3 GHz if we scale linearly). 4 Examples of applications The approach can be used for a variety of applications. One application is color-based segmentation (see fig. 6), as shown in a previous section of this paper. Another is background subtraction (see fig. 10). Our color correction scheme makes background subtraction robust to illumination changes. Yet another application is the removal of shadow contours from contour maps. This makes them less noisy and more easily usable for such applications as object recognition. This is illustrated by 3 examples. Fig. 11 shows how color correction simplifies the contour map and makes it less dependent on the current illumination. Fig. 12 also illustrates this, but in a setting where the color correction becomes crucial. In this example, reflections on the water create many small contours and make the contour of interest (that of the fish) very difficult to detect. The color correction removes the spurious contours and leave the fish contour easily detectable. The last figure (fig. 13) again illustrates how our approach can remove shadow contours (as can be seen on the blue boat), but also some limitations of the approach. Contours between regions of the same color (here the white snoopy and the white background) are also detected as shadows and removed.

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عنوان ژورنال:
  • Int. J. Imaging Systems and Technology

دوره 17  شماره 

صفحات  -

تاریخ انتشار 2007